Project description
The organizers propose to continue this project which was a premiere for Alba County 2 years ago, dedicated exclusively to the theatre and the poster as art object. The exhibition will take place within the 4-th „Apollo” International Youth Theatre Festival 2017.
The proposed theme for the poster is „BREAK A LEG”. The poster must contain the following text:
„BREAK A LEG! - International Youth Theatre Festival”
We challenge artists from the entire world to create their own poster concept.
"Break a leg" is an idiom in theatre used to wish a performer "good luck". Well-wishers typically say "Break a leg" to actors and musicians before they go on stage to perform. The origin of the phrase remains obscure. The expression reflects a theatrical superstition, in which wishing a person "good luck" is considered bad luck. The expression is sometimes used outside the theatre, as superstitions and customs travel through other professions and then into common use. Among professional dancers, the traditional saying is not "break a leg", but "merde". For playwrights, it's sometimes changed to "break a pencil." ( wikipedia)
Each participant can send maximum 3 variant of poster.
The works will be sent exclusively in electronic form through email at: together with the application form (can be downloaded from the website of the “Inter-Art” Foundation - )
Minimal size admitted
The works will be sent at the dimension of 29,7 x 42 cm (A3) 300 dpi (11,7 x 16,5 inches).
Will be accepted JPG, TIFF, PDF format.
The non-digital works (paintings, manual graphics, etc) will be scanned (please don’t send the works photographed).
If the email attachment is larger than 10 Mb please use one of the large file sending sites (, etc) to
ATTENTION!!! If you don’t receive an answer in any ways of sending your works please contact us at .
The accepted works will be printed and exhibited during May 2017 at the National Museum of Unification from Alba Iulia. Each admitted artist will receive the virtual catalogue of the exhibition.
Deadline: March 10, 2017
Extended deadline: April 1st, 2017
The jury will offer the „Apollo” Special Prize, the „Inter-Art” Special Prize, 1st,2nd and 3rd prize .
Use of materials, copyright
The works participating in this exhibition must abide by copyright law. The participants must own all the rights of the works sent fot the exhibition. The participants agree with their works being displayed on the organizers websites, as well as within the event organized by the „Skepsis” Group Association,Alba Iulia, "Inter-Art" Foundation, Aiud and the “Liviu Rebreanu” Cultural Center Aiud.The authors hold the copyright for their works.
Project objective
The exhibition propose an artistic approach of the poster as a cultural object and challenges the artists from all over the world to participate at the event. Also we wish to promote theatre through the exhibition which will feature the received works and to organize with this ocassion a symposium at which to invite actors,directors,literary creators,fine artists, critics,journalists.Through this initiative will be presented an exhibition with international impact which to bring extra prestige to the organizers.
Target group
Will include fine artists worldwide willing to be involved directly into the project by sending their works ,as well as different people who wish to be involved as collaborators or art consumers. Indirectly, the persons who will find out about the project through mass media, publications or from the participating artists. Therefore,the target group represents several levels nationally and internationally.
Expected results
The poster exhibition will represent a new premiere for Alba County.
The APOLLO - International Youth Theatre Festival wishes to extend the dimensions of social, cultural and artistic life of the young people of Alba Iulia. That is why the project team proposes the organisation of an International Youth Theatre Festival Apollo, second edition, in the city of Alba Iulia, Romania. The festival will be an open invitation for 44 young actors (members young theatre companies, 34 from outside Alba Iulia and 10 from the Skepsis N.G.O) to come together, learn and perform for the young population of Alba Iulia, Romania.
The festival is organized in partenership with the local authorities and institutions and NGO entities like the Inter-Art Fundation from Aiud. During 3 days of festival, a series of different shows will be presented for the public - as the invited groups coming from different schools and orientations in their theatre vision, having different backgrounds. We are very confident that the first of the project's objectives, to attract at least 300 young people to participate at every show which will be rich and full, as the home theatre group, Skepsis, is already a popular name in the young cultural life of Alba Iulia, and the guest groups will be carefully selected.
The young groups invited and the project team will have the opportunity to participate at 2 workshops presented to them by a lector, well known professional director recognized for his work with young groups in similar events held all over the world. The purpose of the workshops is to enlarge the artistic horizon of the young actors and the project team. Individual and group performance of the project team and the other participants will grow in quality during these workshops which will be focused on the actor's art - tehniques and exercises on movement, diction, concentration, atention, non-verbal communication, emotions and other dimensions of drama.
Discution sessions will be held also for the team project and representants of theatre groups with the expert invited so that important cultural and artistic management concepts will be shared.
Being present to all the activities proposed, the participants will have the opportunity to enlarge their artistic and cultural performance and also to obtain important concepts and learn a lot about cultural and artistic management for the future. They will learn how to raise the quality of their artistic perfomance on the theatre scene, but also how to enhance their social actor abilities on the social scene. |